
Snowflake Showcase Limited Edition Suite of Products

by | Nov 1, 2018

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it snow! Or at least, create a snowy wonderland using this incredible suite of limited edition products. There are two stamp sets, gorgeous paper, accessories, and dies, so the only limit is your creativity!

These products are available while supplies last until 30th November 2018. This means products will only be available until that date or while supplies last, whichever comes first. If a product’s supply is depleted before 30th November it will no longer be available for purchase.

The dies are just gorgeous and can be used to create a stunning card like this for the festive season, or alternatively you can carry on using them for the rest of the year for all manner of occasions.

They are just gorgeous aren’t they?

I will back tomorrow with a special post about a new offering I have. I am super excited to share it with you so make sure you pop back tomorrow.
Happy Crafting and hasta luego,




Here are the list of products I used today. All products are from Stampin’ Up! and can be purchased from my online shop by clicking the pictures below. If you want to order via me, please do drop me an email or call 07738 562724.  For easy online ordering be sure to add the Online Shopper Code in the hostess box.


[convertkit form=5258764]


What do you think about today’s project. Let me know below.


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